Sabine Ismer |
1944 |
born in Ströhen / Kreis Diepholz ( Germany ) |
1972 - 78 |
studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf |
Prof. Gerd Weber free painting |
Prof. Ernst Althoff architecture |
1977 |
Meisterschülerin |
from 1973 |
regional exhibitions e.g. personal exhibitions : |
1973 |
Galerie Steinbach (Krefeld) |
1974 |
ESG Unitreff (Düsseldorf) |
1975 |
Galerie Fischer (Minden) |
Konsulat USA (Düsseldorf) |
from 1979 |
free artist and member of the BBK Düsseldorf |
took part in BBK-exhibitions and the local exhibitions Winterausstellungen Düsseldorf |
1980 |
1. award of the Garather Künstlertage (Düsseldorf) |
19.05.82 |
death in Düsseldorf |
1983 |
Retrospektive at "Schelmenturm" (Monheim) |