Sabine Ismer Nr.1974/04
web'Galerie Voigt Edition
overwiev gallery home vita
Sabine Ismer
Vita 1958 1960 1962 1968 1969
1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Sabine Ismer
1944 born in Ströhen / Kreis Diepholz ( Germany )
1972 - 78

studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

Prof. Gerd Weber free painting
Prof. Ernst Althoff architecture Top
1977 Meisterschülerin
from 1973 regional exhibitions e.g. personal exhibitions :
1973 Galerie Steinbach (Krefeld)
1974 ESG Unitreff (Düsseldorf)
1975 Galerie Fischer (Minden)
Konsulat USA (Düsseldorf)
from 1979 free artist and member of the BBK Düsseldorf
took part in BBK-exhibitions and the local exhibitions Winterausstellungen Düsseldorf
1980 1. award of the Garather Künstlertage (Düsseldorf)
19.05.82 death in Düsseldorf
1983 Retrospektive at "Schelmenturm" (Monheim)
copyright Ismer / Voigt

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