organisation |
national |
aaaa - Aboriginal Art Association of Australia
. |
lokal |
AAD - Aboriginal art directory
organisation |
national |
ACAA - Art Consulting Association of Australia
organisation |
national |
ADAA - Art Dealers Association of America / USA
organisation |
national |
AGAC Contemporary Art Galleries Association
. |
national |
organisation |
national |
agaa - Art Galleries Association of Australia
. |
national |
Art Gallery Association Singapore
. |
local |
Asociacion independiente de Galerias de Arte de Baleares
, |
national |
Associació Art Barcelona / Spain
. |
local |
Association des Galeries d'Art Grand Paris
organisation |
international |
aipad - Association of International Photography Art Dealers (Washington DC)
organisation |
national |
ANGAMC - Associazione Nazionale Gallerie d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
organisation |
national |
AAADA - Australian Antique and Art Dealers Association
. |
national |
acga - australian commercial galleries association
organisation |
national |
BVDG Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V.
D- 10963 Berlin , Dessauer Str. 32 phone: +49 30 / 2 63 92 29 80 , fax: 2 63 92 29 85
. |
national |
Bundesverband Deutscher Kunstverleger e.V.
Germany D-60594 Frankfurt/Main , Postfach 70 02 10 , phone: +49 69 / 62 91 20 , fax: 62 91 20
. |
national |
Bundesverband Deutscher Kunstversteigerer e.V.
Rechtsanwalt D. Löhr Germany D-65185 Wiesbaden , Friedrichstr. 45 , phone: +49 611 / 3 60 08 33
organisation |
local |
CTGA - Central Tucson Gallery Association
organisation |
national |
CNES - Chambre Nationale des Experts Spécialisés en objets d'art et de collection
organisation |
national |
CIPAC - federation des professionnels de l'art contemporain
. |
national |
CPGA - Comite Professionnel des Galeries d'Art
organisation |
international |
. |
local |
Denver Art Dealers Association
. |
national |
Federatione Italiana Mercanti d'Arte
organisation |
international |
F.E.A.G.A. - Federation of European Art Galleries Association
. |
national |
FADA - Fine Art Dealers Association
organisation |
national |
Fine Art Trade Guild
GB-SW18 1FZ London, 22 Summerfield Road |
organisation |
local |
FWADA - Fort Worth Art Dealers Association
. |
national |
Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art
. |
local |
Galerienverband Rhein-Neckar
. |
local |
Galeries Mode d'emploi (Fondation Ricard)
organisation |
international |
Glass Art Society
. |
national |
Hong Kong artgallery association
. |
lokal |
IG Galerien Frankfurt
. |
local |
IDADA - Indianapolis Downtown Artists & Dealers Association
. |
national |
Indian Arts and Crafts Association
organisation |
national |
Indigenous Art Code
organisation |
international |
ifpda - International Fine Print Dealers Association (New York)
. |
national |
Kunsthändlerverband Deutschland
50668 Cologne , Kunibertsklostergasse 1
. |
local |
Kunst- und Antiquitätenhändler Niedersachsen e.V.
D-27283 Verden , Bergstr. 2 , phone: +49 42 31 / 88 30 , fax: 30 58
. |
local |
Landesverband der Galerien in Hessen und Rheinlandpfalz
. |
lokal |
Landesverband Galerien in Baden-Württemberg e.V.
organisation |
national |
NGA - Nederlandse Galerie Associatie
. |
national |
NADA - new art dealers assocation
. |
national |
Oil Painters of America
. |
national |
Private Art Dealers Association
. |
national |
Professional Art Dealers Association of Canada inc.
. |
national |
regional galleries Association of Queensland
organisation |
local |
San Francisco Art Dealers Association
. |
local |
Santa Fe Gallery Association
. |
local |
SADA - Seattle Art Dealers Association
organisation |
local |
SAADA South African Art Dealers Association
organisation |
national |
Svenska Galleriförbundet
organisation |
Taiwan |
Taiwan Art Gallery Association
. |
local |
The Society of London Art Dealers
. |
national |
The Association of Art and Antique Dealers
organisation |
national |
UBEMA - Unie van de Belgisch-Luxemburgse Kunstmarkt
. |
local |
Verband Berliner Galerien
. |
local |
Verband des Hessischen Antiquitäten- und Kunsthandels e.V.
D-36037 Fulda , Simpliziusbrunnen 15-17 , phone: +49 661 / 7 08 70 , fax: 7 08 90
organisation |
national |
Verband deutscher Antiquare e.V.
. |
national |
Verband Österreichischer Galerien
organisation |
national |
Verband Österreichischer Antiquitäten- und Kunsthändler promotor of WIKAM
. |
national |
Verband Schweizer Galerien
organisation |
local |
Verein Berner Galerien
. |
local |