artists by "style" art -

home painting graphic foto / video wallobject sculpture other media
figurative painting / figurative graphic / figurative foto, video / figurative wallobject / figurative sculpture / figurative installation
transformed painting / transformed graphic / transformed foto, video / transformed wallobject / transformed sculpture / transformed performance
heavy transformed painting / heavy transformed graphic / heavy transformed foto, video / heavy transformed wallobject / heavy transformed sculpture / heavy transformed jewelry
organic abstract painting / organic abstract graphic / organic abstract foto, video / organic abstract wallobject / organic abstract sculpture / organic abstract .
geometric abstract painting / geometric abstract graphic / geometric abstract foto, video / geometric abstract wallobject  / geometric abstract sculpture / geometric abstract .
painting graphic foto / video wallobject sculpture other media

Revision 15.06.2010 home

Clicking on the crosspoints of our "style"-matrix will give you the desired artists

Our categories depend on the way you see things in normal life . You choose the technique (e.g. sculpture) and the "style" (e.g. figurative) . So you will get the links to artists for realistic looking sculptures . With every category in direction of the "abstract" ones the realistic shape will disappear step by step in the same way as the expressive , personal "style" of the artist starts to dominate the piece of art . At least in the "abstract" categories where are no known figures to recognize , we classify the structure in "organic" and "geometric".

In this way you're able to choose the "formal language" of your desired piece of art without the restriction of an art-historical background .

Artists working in various styles, will be found in each significant group