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Revision 08.01.2025
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was art-info.com will do for you
art-info.com will be a timesaving who is who in art, artguide and galleryguide for the artcollector trough the world of fine art, contemporary art and collectibles.
We give you our extract of serious internet arts & entertainment artresources which can solve real artcollector's problems.

You decide what's up to you - by case or location.

Our hints on collectibles for buying art , restoring art , artfairs , exhibitions , artmagazines , auctions, workshops and crafts basic tecnical information
(e.g. Giclée Fine Art Prints, lithograpy and collotype) will come quick and complet without a "wordsensitive" search-engine,
for we found more good information on "sideways" instead by typing a word in the right manner.
The galleryindex contains direkt links to the gallery's homepages, so you can use art-info.com as your starting internet directory and artportal for visual arts.
Our artistindex provide the artcollector with a "second source" for "his" artist by showing the galleries related to the listed artist.
Artists will find information about crafts and workshops for art education in photograpy, lithograpy, copperplate etching, woodcut and blockletter printing.
So If you're fond of fine art, arts & entertainment, specially visual arts, you like painting, drawing,graphic,lithography,art books,art editions, cartoon,
sculpture, photography and multiples more than surving, use art-info.com searchresults to met your goal.